1.2.0 - Phonetic Practice

Please try to read aloud the following sentences first. Then repeat after the audio to check if you read them correctly.

1. 我的孩子已经三十岁了。

Wǒ de háizi yǐjīng sānshí suì le.

My child is 30 years old already.

2. 他和他的妻子在美国工作。

Tā hé tā de qīzi zài Měiguó gōngzuò.

He and his wife work in the USA.

3. 今天,他们会坐飞机回中国。

Jīntiān, tāmen huì zuò fēijī huí Zhōngguó.

Today, they will fly back to China.

4. 我和妻子想去机场接他们。

Wǒ hé qīzi xiǎng qù jīchǎng jiē tāmen.

My wife and I want to meet them at the airport.

5. 儿子说他们已经坐出租车回来了。

Érzi shuō tāmen yǐjīng zuò chūzūchē huílai le.

My son said they had come back by taxi.

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