1.1.1 - Dialogue Practice

Repeat the conversations at slow speed if you like:

A: 我们明天早上几点去机场接大卫?

Wǒmen míngtiān zǎoshang jǐ diǎn qù jīchǎng jiē Dàwèi?

What time shall we leave for the airport to pick up David tomorrow morning?

B: 七点。大卫的飞机早上八点到北京。

Qī diǎn. Dàwèi de fēijī zǎoshang bā diǎn dào Běijīng.

7 o'clock. David's flight will arrive in Beijing at eight in the morning.

A: 喂,丽丽,你们到机场了吗?

Wèi, Lìli, nǐmen dào jīchǎng le ma?

Hello, Lili, did you arrive at the airport?

B: 我们已经到了。你们出来了吗?

Wǒmen yǐjīng dào le. Nǐmen chūlai le ma?

We arrived already. Did you come out?

A: 我们已经出来了。我看见你了!你穿着红色的衣服,是不是?

Wǒmen yǐjīng chūlai le. Wǒ kànjiàn nǐ le! Nǐ chuānzhe hóngsè de yīfu, shì bu shì?

We came out already. I see you now. Are you wearing a red T-shirt?

B: 是的。

Shì de.

Yes, I am.

A: 我给你们介绍一下。这是我的妻子珍妮,我的孩子麦克和安娜。

Wǒ gěi nǐmen jièshào yíxià. Zhè shì wǒ de qīzi Zhēnnī, wǒ de háizi Màikè hé Ānnà.

Let me make the introductions. This is my wife Jenny, my children Mike and Anna.


Zhēnnī, zhè shì wǒ de hǎo péngyou Lìli, zhè shì tā de zhàngfu Lǐ Míng.

Jenny, this is my good friend Lili, and this is her husband Li Ming.

B: 李明,丽丽,你们好!很高兴认识你们。

Lǐ Míng, Lìli, nǐmen hǎo! Hěn gāoxìng rènshi nǐmen.

Hello, Li Ming and Lili! Nice to meet you!

C: 你好,珍妮,欢迎你来中国。

Nǐ hǎo, Zhēnnī, huānyíng nǐ lái Zhōngguó.

Hello, Jenny, welcome to China.

Quiz: Repeat the conversations and then role-play the dialogues.

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