1.2.0 - Expansion & Culture

1.不仅 & 不但 

When used as a conjunction, “不仅” and “不但” always can be exchanged. For example:

- 不仅我喜欢唱歌,我妈妈喜欢唱歌。


Not only I but my mother also likes singing.



He can speak not only English but also French. 

But 不仅 can also be used as an adverb. In this situation, 不仅 can not be exchanged with 不但, but it can be exchanged with 不止. For example:

- 认为他不对的不仅我一个人。= 认为他不对的不止我一个人。

I’m not the only one who thinks he is wrong.

- 这不仅是我个人的意见。= 这不止是我个人的意见。

It's not just my own opinion.

2.刚 & 刚才 & 刚刚

 If you really confound with “刚” and “刚才”, then you can use “刚刚”. 刚刚 can be used as an adverb, which means just. It can also be used as a noun, which means just now. For example:

- 他刚才在房间里看电视。= 他刚刚在房间里看电视。

He was watching TV in the room just now.

- 他来中国的时候不会说汉语。= 他刚刚来中国的时候不会说汉语。

When he first came to China, he couldn't speak Chinese.

3. 中国的情人节 Chinese Valentine's Day


Did you know that China has three "Valentine's Days"? The first one is the same as the Western Valentine's Day on February 14th. The second one is on May 20th (that is 5/20), because the numbers "520" in Chinese sound like "I love you". The online phenomenon of using "520" to represent "I love you" started to spread online, so May 20th is known as "Internet Valentine's Day". Many people choose to get married and celebrate it on this day. The third Valentine's Day is also called "Qixi", which falls on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month every year. "Qixi" originates from the love story of Niulang and Zhinü, which is the most romantic one in Chinese traditional festivals, so it is also considered "Chinese Valentine's Day".

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