1.1.1 - Vocabulary

  1. 法律 fǎlǜ n. law
  2. liǎ num.-m.two, both
  3. 印象 yìnxiàng n. impression
  4. shēn adj. deep 
  5. 熟悉 shúxi v. to be familiar with
  6. 不仅 bùjǐn conj. not only
  7. 性格 xìnggé n. character, personality
  8. 开玩笑 kāi wánxiào to be kidding
  9. 从来 cónglái adv. always, all along
  10. 最好 zuìhǎo adv. had better
  11. 共同 gòngtóng adj. common, shared
  12. 适合 shìhé v. to suit, to fit
  13. 幸福 xìngfú adj. happy
  14. 生活 shēnghuó n./v. life; to live
  15. gāng adv. just, not long
  16. 浪漫 làngmàn adj. romantic
  17. gòu v. to be enough
  18. 缺点 quēdiǎn n. shortcoming
  19. 接受 jiēshòu v. to accept

Quiz: Repeat the vocabulary and then choose the correct answer for the new words.

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